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Health & Wellbeing

Support for Local Communities

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Find out more about our

Vision & Goals for helping to

support Local Communities

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Discover more about our experiences and the team

behind Smile in Stages here

Read more about community initiatives and events across 

London & the rest of the UK


Enquire about volunteering as part of our team, or funding for Smile in Stages here

What we do

Smile in Stages CIC is a community interest company that focuses on improving the health and wellness of individuals within communities. We believe that having a healthy mind and healthy body can improve lifestyles as well as people's outlook on life. 


Having a positive outlook on life can help to reduce the onset of stress. By creating awareness of ways to prevent and manage stress you can generate outlets that keep individuals balanced and refreshed.


Regardless of someone’s race, religion, age or gender everyone should have access to support.


Our role within communities is to provide support in the form of projects that cover a variety of issues.

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- Healthy Eating 

- Physical Activities

- Child Development



- Mental Health

- Financial Education

- Counselling

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- Social Interaction

- Social Integration 

- Communication



- Anti-Social Behaviour

- Route to Employment

- And more

Anti social behaviour can come in many forms. Its impact on the environment and individuals that live within can affect people's outlook to life. Our goal is to reduce anti social behaviour by providing support to victims and creating awareness to all about its impact on the community and the society as a whole.


The projects we deliver range from workshops, to fun days out, regular classes and group meetings. The duration of our project's can vary from days, weeks, months and years.


We want to encourage people to value themselves and the environment that surrounds them. 

Our Team


Our diverse team is made up of different individuals from different backgrounds. Some of whom have had lived experience of being challenged early on in life while others have been further down the line. Many have faced a wide selection of the issues that we set out to tackle where some have only encountered a view.


Regardless of our backgrounds and upbringings we are able to come together to share our stories, experiences and network of connections in order to work hard on developing ideas for providing support to communities in need.


We have a vast source of connections with professionals and individuals with personal experiences that help support us with the delivery of projects


It is so important for smile in stages CIC to be inclusive in our approach as we want individuals within communities to be inspired by a range of people.


We stay committed to helping others to better themselves and the people around them.

Community work


We worked with Eni  from smile in stages CIC as part of a project led by people in prison from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Backgrounds, 
supporting them to access more role models in prison - people they could look up to from their local communities. We  worked with Eni as a role model. Eni was an inspiration. Motivating, honest and great to work with. He volunteered his  time to support our cause to reduce crime and the harm that it causes and support racially minoritised people to have their voices heard. Thank you Eni!



Get in touch
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